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1 University

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1 Subject

Week 9 Judiasm and Christianity _Introduction to Religion

Week 9 Judiasm and Christianity _Introduction to Religion

Q • Briefly explain 2 significant ways in which Christianity and Judaism are similar. (don't just rephrase what I said above! :-) • Briefly explain 2 significant ways in which Christianity and Judaism differ. • Did any of these similarities or differences surprise you? Explain. • What previous knowledge of/exposure to Judaism did you have? Do you have any Jewish friends? Is there a Jewish synagogue in your area? Can you name some famous living Jewish Americans? (without Googling!!) Share any observations you might have about your responses.

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I am a firm believer that every religion, no matter how diverse and how much in hatred with each other, are all tied together to one common source of unity that makes all humans related to one another in the realm of religions. Of course, only a few people would be happy to agree with me as we are mostly guided by the thought that divided us and not those that unites us. Up for discussion today, Christianity and Judaism, are two religions, the “Biblical Religions”, also have a common source of origin, enhanced by the many similarities and differences that have shaped them into unique and diverse religions each.